Ants, the industrious social insects that tirelessly march across our sidewalks and invade our kitchens, can be a nuisance that disrupts our daily lives. Their ability to organize into complex colonies, build elaborate networks of tunnels, and consume a wide range of...
Buy Pest Control Products Online
Shop our wide collection of pest control products. Traps, repellants, killer, bait, pesticide, insecticides etc Pests can be a nuisance, not only because they are unsightly and can damage your property, but also because they can pose health risks. Whether you’re dealing with ants, cockroaches, mice, weavils, mosquito, bats or other pests, there are a number of effective pest control products available to help you eliminate the problem.
Pest Control Products
Showing 51–74 of 74 resultsSorted by latest
Green Leaf Cockroach Killer 50 Satchets
KSh 1,198 -
Pali 50 Wp Pesticide 20g
KSh 466 -
McHwatox 350sc 1 Litre Termicide
KSh 28,000 -
FENDONA 60sc Pesticide. 250ml
KSh 3,093 -
Bedlam 200sl Insecticide 1litre
KSh 7,333 -
Kungunil 200sl Insecticide
KSh 200 -
Imidex Mendeclean Bait Gel 10gm
KSh 866 -
Aesthetics Vermin Powder Insecticide
KSh 200 -
Promax Insecticide 1ltr
KSh 9,333 -
Best Lava Pest
KSh 666 -
Fogging Machine
KSh 53,333 -
Insecticide Chalk (Twin Luck) 15gm
KSh 200 -
SEVIN Pet Insecticide
KSh 373 -
Double-Sided Yellow Sticky Flying Pest Insect Trap
KSh 800 -
Mist Blowers 2 Stroke 14 Litres
KSh 19,333 -
Diazol 60ec 28ml , Insecticide
KSh 400 -
Mosthrin 2.5ec 1ltr Insecticide
KSh 8,266 -
Aster Extrim 20sl 250ml Insecticide
KSh 2,000 -
Profile 440ec Insecticide 1ltr
KSh 4,666 -
Dudumectin Insecticide 1ltr
KSh 3,333 -
Hitzz Insecticides
KSh 665 -
Gasoline High Pressure Pesticide Sprayer
KSh 42,666 -
Mosquito Attraction Light Racket
KSh 2,133 -
UV Electric Mosquito Machine
KSh 3,333
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The Ultimate Guide to Pest Control Products
In the comforting haven of our homes, we often overlook the presence of tiny, unwelcome guests – pests. These uninvited intruders, ranging from pesky ants and cockroaches to destructive termites and rodents, can cause a range of problems, from annoyance and...