Ants, the industrious social insects that tirelessly march across our sidewalks and invade our kitchens, can be a nuisance that disrupts our daily lives. Their ability to organize into complex colonies, build elaborate networks of tunnels, and consume a wide range of...
Buy Pest Control Products Online
Shop our wide collection of pest control products. Traps, repellants, killer, bait, pesticide, insecticides etc Pests can be a nuisance, not only because they are unsightly and can damage your property, but also because they can pose health risks. Whether you’re dealing with ants, cockroaches, mice, weavils, mosquito, bats or other pests, there are a number of effective pest control products available to help you eliminate the problem.
Pest Control Products
Showing 1–50 of 75 resultsSorted by latest
Baygon Odorless Multi Insect Killer Spray 500ml
KSh 1,624 -
Fogtec – L 200 – Pesticide for Fogging Machine 5litres
KSh 29,232 -
Canye Coackroach Powder Killing Bait
KSh 67 -
Green Leaf Powder Cockroach Killing Bait
KSh 59 -
Safisha Disinfectant Pine 5L
KSh 911 -
Maxell Magic Crawling Insects Repellent Floor Cleaner 2L:
KSh 681 -
Elesept Disinfectant Lavender
KSh 3,124 -
Grounded diatomaceous earth powder
KSh 868 -
KSh 973 -
Pyramid Trek Deet Free Insect Repellent Citriodiol Spray 60ml
KSh 1,666 -
Duduspray Home&Garden Spray Jar 2L
KSh 1,073 -
Bayer Baraki Pellets 10g
KSh 80 -
KSh 58 -
Mos-Kill Dudu Powder Insecticid200G
KSh 200 -
Fumakilla Vape Liquid Refill 45g
KSh 800 -
Krochkill 3 Cockroach Killer 100g
KSh 345 -
Mortein Doom Aik Lemon 400+200Ml
KSh 1,732 -
Mortein Doom Aiko Odourles400+200Ml
KSh 2,265 -
Raid Odourless Electric Liquid Mosquito Killer Refill 33ml
KSh 613 -
Flower Ome&Grdn Dudspry Insct500Ml
KSh 1,562 -
KSh 322 -
KSh 326 -
Fumakilla Vape Liquid Cordless Destroyer Set
KSh 1,193 -
Goodknight M/Insect Aerosol 600Ml
KSh 1,050 -
Mosquito Killer Stick Jumbo 30G
KSh 173 -
Mos-Kill Mosquito Coil Green 10S
KSh 56 -
Moskill Aerosol Insecticide Insecticide Spray 300ml
KSh 398 -
Raid LED Liquid Electric Mosquito Killer 33ml
KSh 812 -
Flower Mossi Chip Sandal 30G
KSh 422 -
Flower Natural Rose Mosquito Killer Sticks 20g
KSh 95 -
Flower Liquid Mosquito Repellent 45ml refill pack.
KSh 708 -
Flower Floral Scented Mossi Chips Mosquito Killer Mats 30g
KSh 422 -
Mortein Aiko Twin 400Ml
KSh 2,612 -
Electric Pest Repellent
KSh 2,666 -
Atraprat Rat, Rodent, Mice Glue 135G
KSh 666 -
Glue Book Mouse Traps
KSh 266 -
2pcs Mouse Trap Re Usable
KSh 665 -
Insect and Mouse Trap
KSh 464 -
Bat Repellant Powder 250grams
KSh 666 -
Sevin Dudu Dust Insecticide 100G
KSh 466 -
Invincible Velcro Windows Mosquito Net
KSh 2,132 -
Mosquito/Insect Trap (4 Watts )
KSh 4,933 -
Bolt Insecticide
KSh 533 -
Chali Dudu Dust
KSh 133 -
Icon 10CS Long Lasting Insecticide
KSh 1,333 -
Bat Repellent CRP Heavy Duty Chemical 250ml
KSh 800 -
Snail CCT ,Snail Control Solution 1litre
KSh 2,000 -
4pcs Sticky Ribbon Fly Catcher Trap Killer Insect Non-Toxic
KSh 400 -
Bipronex Cockroach Gel Bait 5g
KSh 1,333 -
GOLIATH COCKROACH GEL 0.05% Cockroach Gel 35g
KSh 17,333
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The Ultimate Guide to Pest Control Products
In the comforting haven of our homes, we often overlook the presence of tiny, unwelcome guests – pests. These uninvited intruders, ranging from pesky ants and cockroaches to destructive termites and rodents, can cause a range of problems, from annoyance and...