Keeping white clothes pristine can be challenging, especially when stains like coffee, grease, and sweat are involved. Finding the best stain remover for white clothes ensures they stay bright and spotless without damage. Why White Clothes Require Special Care White...
Effective Stain Removers: Natural, Enzymatic & Eco-Friendly Solutions
Say goodbye to stubborn stains with our premium range of stain removers designed to tackle the toughest spots on your clothes. Whether you need a laundry stain remover for everyday use, a fabric stain remover for delicate fabrics, or a natural stain remover for eco-conscious cleaning, we’ve got you covered. From enzyme-based stain removers that break down tough stains to clothes whiteners that restore brilliance, our products are engineered to provide powerful, fabric-safe cleaning. Discover the best solutions to keep your clothes spotless and vibrant, no matter the challenge.
Browse Stain Removers
Showing all 36 resultsSorted by latest
Celine Mega Multipurpose Kitchen Towel 220x250mm White
KSh 597 -
Cleanrol Premium Virgin Paper Kitchen Towel 2 Count
KSh 368 -
Mr. Sheen Oxi Ultra Wash White And Bright Fabric Stain Remover 400g
KSh 1,494 -
Omo Regular Multipurpose Stain Removal Bleach Cleaner 5L
KSh 2,598 -
Grounded Color Safe Stain Remover Spray 500ml
KSh 870 -
Dr. Beckmann Stain Remover In Wash 100g
KSh 810 -
Velveta Stain Remover Liquid 1 kg
KSh 471 -
Dr Beckman Stain Remover Brush250 ml
KSh 1,056 -
Simoniz Scratch Remover 475Ml
KSh 2,225 -
Astonish F. Stain Remover Trig750Ml
KSh 1,129 -
Magic’s Oxybleach Stain Remover Bleach 5kg
KSh 7,300 -
Rosapharm Home Dry Cleaner 250Ml
KSh 278 -
Ezee Bleach Regular 1L
KSh 292 -
Topex Bleach Lemon 1.5L
KSh 828 -
Topex Bleach Regular 5L
KSh 2,144 -
Abc Blue Stain Remover 36 Cubes
KSh 461 -
Domestos Multipurpose Thick Bleach Banded Citrus Toilet Cleaner 500Ml
KSh 715 -
KSh 844 -
Papilio Padex Stain Remover 750Ml
KSh 1,129 -
Grounded Oxyboost Stain Remover 800G
KSh 2,872 -
Clorox Liquid Bleach Assorted 2L
KSh 1,364 -
Astonish Bleach Cream Cleaner 500Ml
KSh 812 -
1ltr Cerrazo Tile Cleaning Agent
KSh 1,218 -
Oven Cookware / Stainless Steel Cleaning Paste
KSh 972 -
All Purpose Cleaning Paste 100gms
KSh 1,299 -
Auto Cement Cleaner and Stain Remover
KSh 3,248 -
Tile Stains Remover
KSh 2,436 -
Stubborn Stain Remover
KSh 974 -
Industrial Detergent Powder
KSh 3,492 -
WD-40 Rust Remover Spray
KSh 810 -
Clothes Stains Rust Remover
KSh 3,979 -
Gx Colour Safe Bleach
KSh 3,570 -
Colour Bleach
KSh 211 -
Terrazzo/Tiles Floor Cleaner
KSh 2,152 -
Stains Remover Chemical
KSh 698 -
Laundry Stain Remover
KSh 1,494
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Best Stain Remover for Clothes
Stains are an inevitable part of life, but the right stain remover can keep your clothes looking fresh and clean. Whether it's grease, ink, or wine, having an effective stain remover on hand can make a huge difference. Let’s explore the best stain removers available...
How to Remove Tough Stains from Clothes
Stains like oil, grease, blood, and ink can be challenging to remove, but with the right methods and products, you can restore your clothes to their original state. This guide provides effective solutions for removing each type of stain, ensuring your clothes stay...