In today’s eco-conscious world, consumers are moving away from synthetic fabric softeners laden with chemicals and opting for natural alternatives. These solutions not only care for your clothes but also benefit the environment and protect your skin from irritants....
Buy Fabric Softeners & Conditioners in Kenya
Elevate your laundry experience with our premium range of fabric softeners and fabric conditioners designed to keep your clothes soft, fresh, and in top condition. Our selection helps preserve the texture of your fabrics while delivering a pleasant fragrance that lasts all day. Whether you’re looking for a gentle fabric conditioner for sensitive skin or a powerful softener for a deep clean, we have the perfect products to meet your needs. Shop now for the best fabric care products that enhance the longevity and softness of your laundry.
Browse Laundry Softeners
Showing all 44 resultsSorted by latest
Beauty Clinic Fabric Softener Blue 2000Ml
KSh 1,622 -
KSh 745 -
Astonish White flowers Fabric Refresher 750Ml
KSh 1,015 -
Febreze Fabric Refresher Cotton 375Ml
KSh 2,119 -
KSh 3,021 -
Downy Feel Luxurious 880 ml
KSh 1,281 -
Cuddles Softener Dew Fresh 750Ml
KSh 390 -
KSh 1,056 -
Cuddles Softener Lavand Fresh 2L
KSh 942 -
Cuddles Softener Ever Fresh 5L
KSh 1,656 -
Cuddles Softener Laven Fresh 5L
KSh 1,656 -
Sta Soft Spring Fresh 5L Fabric Softener
KSh 2,404 -
Comfort Fabric Conditioner Sky 540Ml
KSh 2,663 -
Comfort Intense Fuchsia Passion Fabric Conditioner 540ml
KSh 2,663 -
Downy Lavender Fabric Softener 900Ml
KSh 1,134 -
Cuddles Softener Soft Fresh 750Ml
KSh 390 -
Cuddles Softener Tend Fresh 2L
KSh 942 -
Cuddles Softener Satin Feel 2L
KSh 942 -
Cuddles Fabric Softener Concentrate Ivory 1L
KSh 893 -
Bidco Gental Care Rosy Blossom Fabric Softener 5L
KSh 1,476 -
Cuddles Fabric Softener Concentrate Lilac 1L
KSh 893 -
SoSoft Baby Fabric Softener And Conditioner 2.5L
KSh 992 -
Jeyes Sosoft Pure Care Fabric Softener And Conditioner 750ml
KSh 394 -
Bidco Gental Care Rainforest Mist Fabric Softener 5L
KSh 1,476 -
Velveta Bouquet Fabric Softener and Freshener Cleaner Gel 1L
KSh 520 -
KSh 520 -
Bidco Gental Care Lavender Love Fabric Softener 5L
KSh 1,476 -
Sta Soft Tender Peach 2L Fabric Softener
KSh 1,215 -
Sta Soft Lavender 500ml Refill Pack Fabric Softener
KSh 893 -
Sta Soft Spring Fresh 500ml Refill Pack Fabric Softener
KSh 893 -
Sta Soft Aromatherapy Passion 2L Fabric Softener
KSh 1,215 -
5l Cuddles Fabric Softener
KSh 1,656 -
Floral Fabric Softener
KSh 1,624 -
KVG Laundry Ball; Use in Washing Machine
KSh 780 -
Reusable Magic Laundry Ball
KSh 1,137 -
Fabric Softener Beads
KSh 974 -
Great White Industrial Bleach
KSh 536 -
Fabric Softener Downy Sta Soft
KSh 2,030 -
Supples (Fabric Softener)
KSh 552 -
Mold Removal Gel 120g
KSh 1,624 -
5l Fabric Softening Gel
KSh 1,868 -
100 Grams Fragrance /Fabric Softener Beads
KSh 974 -
5l Fabric Softener
KSh 1,624 -
Fabric Softener
KSh 487
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Best Smelling Fabric Softener
Fabric softeners are more than just a way to soften your clothes—they transform your laundry into a sensory experience. The right fragrance can uplift your mood, enhance your comfort, and make everyday chores more enjoyable. Whether you're a fan of classic floral...
Best Liquid Fabric Softener
Fabric softeners have become a staple in many households, adding softness and a pleasant fragrance to clothes. However, selecting the best liquid fabric softener involves considering several factors, from scent to fabric care and environmental impact. This guide will...