When it comes to garment care, the symbols on clothing tags provide essential instructions to help you maintain your clothes in optimal condition. These laundry care symbols are universal, and following them ensures your clothes last longer, stay in good shape, and...
Laundry Products & Accessories for Efficient Laundry Care
Keep your clothes looking fresh and clean with our wide selection of laundry products and accessories. From premium detergents and fabric softeners to stain removers and drying aids, our collection is tailored to meet all your laundry care needs. Perfect for households and commercial setups, our laundry products in Kenya are designed to deliver efficiency, ease, and superior results. Explore top-rated items that make washing, drying, and organizing your laundry a hassle-free task.
Browse Laundry Care, Laundry Detergents, Stain Removers
Showing 151–200 of 351 results
All Purpose Cleaning Paste 100gms
KSh 1,299 -
Oven Cookware / Stainless Steel Cleaning Paste
KSh 972 -
German Washing Powder 2kg
KSh 812 -
1ltr Cerrazo Tile Cleaning Agent
KSh 1,218 -
LB04 Laundry Basket With Lid
KSh 1,297 -
Laundry Basket With Wooden Stand
KSh 4,058 -
Black Laundry Basket With Foldable Wooden Stand
KSh 4,870 -
Cotton Linen Laundry Basket
KSh 2,192 -
Steam Iron Box
KSh 4,222 -
Sta Soft Aromatherapy Passion 2L Fabric Softener
KSh 1,215 -
Sta Soft Spring Fresh 500ml Refill Pack Fabric Softener
KSh 893 -
Sta Soft Lavender 500ml Refill Pack Fabric Softener
KSh 893 -
Sta Soft Tender Peach 2L Fabric Softener
KSh 1,215 -
Bidco Gental Care Lavender Love Fabric Softener 5L
KSh 1,476 -
KSh 520 -
Velveta Bouquet Fabric Softener and Freshener Cleaner Gel 1L
KSh 520 -
Bidco Gental Care Rainforest Mist Fabric Softener 5L
KSh 1,476 -
Jeyes Sosoft Pure Care Fabric Softener And Conditioner 750ml
KSh 394 -
SoSoft Baby Fabric Softener And Conditioner 2.5L
KSh 992 -
Cuddles Fabric Softener Concentrate Lilac 1L
KSh 893 -
Bidco Gental Care Rosy Blossom Fabric Softener 5L
KSh 1,476 -
Cuddles Fabric Softener Concentrate Ivory 1L
KSh 893 -
Cuddles Softener Satin Feel 2L
KSh 942 -
Cuddles Softener Tend Fresh 2L
KSh 942 -
Cuddles Softener Soft Fresh 750Ml
KSh 390 -
Downy Lavender Fabric Softener 900Ml
KSh 1,134 -
Comfort Intense Fuchsia Passion Fabric Conditioner 540ml
KSh 2,663 -
Comfort Fabric Conditioner Sky 540Ml
KSh 2,663 -
Sta Soft Spring Fresh 5L Fabric Softener
KSh 2,404 -
Cuddles Softener Laven Fresh 5L
KSh 1,656 -
Cuddles Softener Ever Fresh 5L
KSh 1,656 -
Cuddles Softener Lavand Fresh 2L
KSh 942 -
KSh 1,056 -
Cuddles Softener Dew Fresh 750Ml
KSh 390 -
Downy Feel Luxurious 880 ml
KSh 1,281 -
KSh 3,021 -
Persil Sensitive Liquid Detergent 3L
KSh 3,912 -
Gama Machine Laundry Liquid Citrus 3Ltr
KSh 2,842 -
Velveta Black Clothes Laundry Gel 1L
KSh 682 -
Ropil Laundry Pods Sweet Peach 450G
KSh 3,906 -
Acin Superwash Laundry Liquid Detergent 500 ml
KSh 322 -
Grounded Laundry Powder – Floral 450G
KSh 1,150 -
KSh 3,021 -
Ropil Laundry Pods Floral 450G
KSh 3,906 -
Velveta Baby Freshener Fabric Softener 4L
KSh 1,770 -
Clover Laundry Starch 400G
KSh 187 -
Febreze Fabric Refresher Cotton 375Ml
KSh 2,119 -
Astonish Bleach Cream Cleaner 500Ml
KSh 812 -
Safisha Disinfectant Anti-Bacterial 500Ml
KSh 204 -
Clorox Liquid Bleach Assorted 2L
KSh 1,364
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