Keeping white clothes pristine can be challenging, especially when stains like coffee, grease, and sweat are involved. Finding the best stain remover for white clothes ensures they stay bright and spotless without damage. Why White Clothes Require Special Care White...
Disinfectants & Sanitizers
Browse Disinfectants & Sanitizers
Dettol Liquid Antiseptic 50Ml
KSh 144 -
Dettol Liquid Antiseptic 125Ml
KSh 464 -
Astonish White Jasmine And Basil Bathroom Cleaner 750ml
KSh 833 -
Astonish Zesty Lemon Kitchen Cleaner 750ml
KSh 833 -
Astonish Mould and mildew Stain Blaster 750Ml
KSh 833 -
Dettol Liquid Antiseptic 1L
KSh 2,984 -
Magnee Disinfectant Lavender 1L
KSh 253 -
Astonish Anti-Bacterial Surface Cleaner 750Ml
KSh 833 -
Domestos Toilet Cleaner Original 1L
KSh 1,132 -
Disnfectact Tablets
KSh 2,666 -
20l, Lavender Disinfectant.
KSh 2,665 -
Lavender Disinfectant
KSh 800 -
Linen Disinfectant (Scented)
KSh 226 -
Original Kerol Disinfectant- 1 Litre
KSh 1,875 -
Scouring Powder 20kg Lemon
KSh 2,665 -
Biosafe Disinfectant
KSh 866 -
Magnee Disinfectant Pine 5L
KSh 749 -
Astonish Antibacterial Surface Cleanser 750ml – Pomegranate & Raspberry
KSh 781 -
Salvon Antiseptic Liquid 2L
KSh 2,100 -
Velvex Disinfectant Lavender 5L
KSh 712 -
Lan disinfectant 1L
KSh 349 -
Zesta White Vinegar 5L
KSh 386 -
Rosapharm M/Purpose Disinfectant 5L
KSh 1,140 -
Kerol Disinfectant 5litre
KSh 8,422 -
KUPACIDE Disinfectant 5litres
KSh 11,600 -
Safisha Disinfectant Lavender500Ml
KSh 204 -
KSh 225 -
Jet Lavender Disinfectant 5L
KSh 988 -
Lavik Disinfectant Lavender 1L
KSh 357 -
Unigel Disinfectant Cleaner Pine1Kg
KSh 1,056 -
Safisha Disinfectant Lavender 1L
KSh 314 -
Jet Lavender Disinfectant 1L
KSh 282 -
Safisha Disinfectant Pine 500Ml
KSh 204 -
Magnee Disinfectant Lavender
KSh 371 -
Velvex Disinfectant Lavender 5L
KSh 926 -
Lavik Disinfectant Lavender 5L
KSh 1,380 -
Elesept Pine Disinfectant 5L
KSh 1,056 -
Velvex Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer Gel 120ml
KSh 187 -
Wills Antiseptic Disinfectant 200Ml
KSh 682 -
Ace Winter Spice Disinfectant 500ml
KSh 379 -
Rosapharm M/Purpose Disinfectant 1L
KSh 317 -
Yenbu H&S Sanitizer Lem.Spray500Ml
KSh 891 -
Yenbu H&S Sanitizer Or.Spray500Ml
KSh 891 -
Astonish Morning Dew Disinfectant Spray 550Ml
KSh 609 -
Yenbu H&S Sanitizer Floral Spr500Ml
KSh 891 -
Yenbu Lemon Hand And Surface Sanitizer Spray 500ml
KSh 891 -
Cleanox Rose Blush Antibacterial Disinfectant Cleaner 500Ml
KSh 225 -
Cleanox Pine Breeze Antibacterial Disinfectant Cleaner 500Ml
KSh 225 -
Hanan Solution Disinfectant Scented Coloured Toilet Balls 200g
KSh 270 -
Protector Antisep.Disinfectant500Ml
KSh 1,177
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Best Stain Remover for Clothes
Stains are an inevitable part of life, but the right stain remover can keep your clothes looking fresh and clean. Whether it's grease, ink, or wine, having an effective stain remover on hand can make a huge difference. Let’s explore the best stain removers available...
How to Remove Tough Stains from Clothes
Stains like oil, grease, blood, and ink can be challenging to remove, but with the right methods and products, you can restore your clothes to their original state. This guide provides effective solutions for removing each type of stain, ensuring your clothes stay...