Running a business requires a clean and organized environment to ensure efficiency and create a positive image for clients and employees. Commercial cleaning supplies are essential for maintaining hygiene and safety in large-scale operations. Let’s explore the best...
Buy Cleaning Supplies in Kenya: Wholesale, Commercial & Household
Kejani Cleaning offers a wide range of high-quality cleaning supplies to meet all your cleaning needs, from household cleaning essentials to industrial and commercial cleaning solutions. Whether you’re looking for bulk cleaning supplies for large-scale operations, janitorial supplies for professional cleaners, or affordable home cleaning products, we’ve got you covered. Our extensive collection includes window cleaning supplies, bathroom cleaning products, and everything in between. Shop today for top-quality supplies at unbeatable prices, with fast delivery across Kenya!
Cleaning Supplies
Showing 401–450 of 544 resultsSorted by latest
Goodmaid Bio Cucumber Dishwash
KSh 856 -
General Fresh Duo Force Lemon Toilet Block 40g
KSh 312 -
Tropikal Lime Dishwashing Paste 500g
KSh 312 -
Pixy Antibacterial Dishwashing Liquid
KSh 265 -
Cussons Morning Fresh Lemon Dishwashing Liquid 4L
KSh 1,500 -
Pride Dish Washing Paste Lime 400G
KSh 286 -
Glassolene Citrus Glass And Shiny Surfaces Cleaner 500ml
KSh 255 -
Odex Window Cleaner Trigger 550Ml
KSh 191 -
Safisha Window Cleaner Ocean 500Ml
KSh 237 -
KSh 662 -
Atilla Apple Green T/Cleaner 500Ml
KSh 432 -
Safari Serviettes Beige
KSh 175 -
Topex Window Cleaner Lemon 300Ml
KSh 137 -
KSh 175 -
Cuddles Softener Laven Fresh 5L
KSh 1,250 -
Pride Dish Washing Paste Lemon 800G
KSh 398 -
Celine Serviettes 100S
KSh 175 -
KSh 706 -
Cleanrol Premium Virgin Paper Kitchen Towel 2 Count
KSh 395 -
Livelle Kitchen Towel White Twin Pack
KSh 481 -
The Pink Stuff cleaning paste 850g
KSh 1,562 -
Maxell Stainless Cleaner 700Ml
KSh 400 -
Astonish Specialist Ultimate Limescale Remover 750ml
KSh 781 -
Taco Oven Cleaner 1L
KSh 562 -
KSh 143 -
Hurricane 5 Triple Power Ocean Fresh Toilet Cleaner 1L
KSh 718 -
Scotch Brite Heavy Duty Kitchen Scourers 4 Pieces
KSh 243 -
Roberts Antiseptic Liquid500Ml
KSh 1,062 -
Domestos Toilet Cleaner Orig 200Ml
KSh 125 -
Protector Antisep.Disinfectant250Ml
KSh 375 -
Unigel Disinfectant Cleaner Lem1Kg
KSh 737 -
Astonish Morning Dew Disinfectant Spray 550Ml
KSh 468 -
Safisha Disinfectant Lavender 1L
KSh 242 -
Safisha Disinfectant Pine 1L
KSh 242 -
Velvex Disinfectant Lavender 5L
KSh 712 -
Abc Blue Stain Remover 36 Cubes
KSh 355 -
Clovers White Vinegar 5L
KSh 366 -
KSh 875 -
Star Soft Spring Fresh 5L Fabric Softener
KSh 1,861 -
Magnee Carpet Shampoo 500Ml
KSh 750 -
Pledge Natural Furniture Polish Spray 300ml
KSh 481 -
Sunlight Scourer Lemon 500G
KSh 112 -
Ariel Automatic Lavender Laundry Liquid Detergent 3L
KSh 2,373 -
Sunlight Dish Washing paste Lemon 800g
KSh 475 -
Sunlight Dishwashing Liquid Lemon 750Ml
KSh 367 -
Sunlight 2 In 1 Lavender Hand Washing Powder 1kg
KSh 562 -
Kleenit Scuba Sponge Scrubber Pack of 3
KSh 358 -
Safisha Sponge Cloth Pack Of 3
KSh 217 -
Safisha Handy Sponge Cleaner 4 pcs
KSh 193 -
Oks Sponge Scourer Cleaning Multicolor Pad 40g x 10 Pieces
KSh 402
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How to Create a Cleaning Supplies Inventory for Your Business
Running a successful cleaning business requires more than just skilled labor and effective marketing. One of the key elements of ensuring smooth operations is maintaining a well-organized cleaning supplies inventory. Without an efficient system to track your cleaning...
The Benefits of Buying Cleaning Supplies in Bulk for Home and Business
Maintaining a clean environment is essential for both homes and businesses. However, purchasing cleaning supplies regularly can become expensive and time-consuming. That’s why more homeowners and businesses are shifting towards buying cleaning supplies in bulk. From...