Maintaining a clean environment is essential for both homes and businesses. However, purchasing cleaning supplies regularly can become expensive and time-consuming. That’s why more homeowners and businesses are shifting towards buying cleaning supplies in bulk. From...
Buy Cleaning Supplies in Kenya: Wholesale, Commercial & Household
Kejani Cleaning offers a wide range of high-quality cleaning supplies to meet all your cleaning needs, from household cleaning essentials to industrial and commercial cleaning solutions. Whether you’re looking for bulk cleaning supplies for large-scale operations, janitorial supplies for professional cleaners, or affordable home cleaning products, we’ve got you covered. Our extensive collection includes window cleaning supplies, bathroom cleaning products, and everything in between. Shop today for top-quality supplies at unbeatable prices, with fast delivery across Kenya!
Cleaning Supplies
Showing 351–400 of 544 resultsSorted by latest
Caplan Interior Valet Carpet And Upholstery Cleaner 400ml
KSh 2,031 -
Anti Grease Surface Towel 12 Pieces Pack
KSh 1,498 -
Car Plan All Seasons Screen Wash 1L
KSh 862 -
Toss White Machine Wash 3Kg
KSh 1,562 -
Persil Hand Wash Regular 3.5Kg Bucket
KSh 1,811 -
Ecover Lemongrass And Ginger All Purpose Cleaner 1l
KSh 1,248 -
KSh 618 -
Grounded Dish Soap 800g
KSh 1,197 -
Grounded Toilets Soap 750ml
KSh 1,106 -
Sepit Antiseptic Sanitizer 1L
KSh 1,062 -
KSh 256 -
Mr.Sheen Surface C&Disinfectant1L
KSh 900 -
The Pink Stuff Disinfect Cleaner 850ml
KSh 1,045 -
Safisha Antiseptic Disinfect.500Ml
KSh 931 -
Roberts Antiseptic Liquid100Ml
KSh 237 -
Kwik Brite Scrubbing Pad
KSh 31 -
Cusson Morning Fresh Antibacterial Scouring Powder 500g
KSh 125 -
Morning Fresh Scouring Powder 500G
KSh 125 -
Velvex Toilet Cleaner Citrus B500Ml
KSh 312 -
Maxell Magic Zero Toilet Cleaner 700ml
KSh 325 -
Hurricane Pine Toilet Cleaner 500m
KSh 375 -
Domestos Original Toilet cleaner500Ml
KSh 573 -
Ace Ltc Power Max T/Cleaner500Ml
KSh 343 -
KSh 267 -
Maxell Magic Kitchen Cleaner 700ml
KSh 406 -
Magnee M/Surface Cleaner Lavender2L
KSh 937 -
Dettol M.Action Clnr Aquamarin900Ml
KSh 937 -
KSh 112 -
Safisha Bleach Regular 1 lt
KSh 818 -
Velvex Liquid Multipurpose Soap5L
KSh 625 -
Rosy Bleach Regular 5L
KSh 781 -
Topex Regular Liquid Bleach 1.5L
KSh 1,275 -
Amaya Soft Lavender Fabric Softener And Conditioner 2.5L
KSh 621 -
Velveta Ocean Fabric Softener And Freshener Gel 2kg
KSh 700 -
Toss Blue Det Powder Sachet 500Gm
KSh 193 -
Toss White Det Powder Sachet 500Gm
KSh 193 -
Geisha Coconut Milk And Honey White Family Bathing Bar Value Pack 200g x Pack of 3
KSh 418 -
KSh 237 -
Bidco Msafi Remove Stain And Germ Lavender Bleach 600ml
KSh 105 -
White Star Laundry Bar Soap 1 kg
KSh 296 -
JIK Regular Whitens And Brightens Stains Remover Bleach 5L
KSh 235 -
Persil High Washing Foam Detergent Gel 3L
KSh 1,811 -
Omo Auto Liq. Detergent 3L
KSh 2,970 -
Omo Auto Liq.Detergent Comfort3L
KSh 2,970 -
Omo Bleach Color Safe 5 Litres
KSh 3,125 -
Omo Autowash Powder 2Kg
KSh 1,498 -
Ariel Washing Powder 3.5Kg
KSh 1,941 -
Ariel Detergent Touch Of Downy3.5Kg
KSh 1,941 -
Maxell Magic Crawling Insects Repellent Floor Cleaner 2L
KSh 618
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