Maintaining a clean environment is essential for both homes and businesses. However, purchasing cleaning supplies regularly can become expensive and time-consuming. That’s why more homeowners and businesses are shifting towards buying cleaning supplies in bulk. From...
Buy Cleaning Supplies in Kenya: Wholesale, Commercial & Household
Kejani Cleaning offers a wide range of high-quality cleaning supplies to meet all your cleaning needs, from household cleaning essentials to industrial and commercial cleaning solutions. Whether you’re looking for bulk cleaning supplies for large-scale operations, janitorial supplies for professional cleaners, or affordable home cleaning products, we’ve got you covered. Our extensive collection includes window cleaning supplies, bathroom cleaning products, and everything in between. Shop today for top-quality supplies at unbeatable prices, with fast delivery across Kenya!
Cleaning Supplies
Showing 251–300 of 544 resultsSorted by latest
JIK Regular Whitens And Brightens Stains Remover Bleach 1.5L
KSh 925 -
Downy Fabric Softener Valley Dew 1 lt
KSh 841 -
Ariel Detergent H/W Lavender 1Kg
KSh 452 -
Sunlight 2 in 1 Hand washing Powder Spring Sensations 1kg
KSh 480 -
Sunlight 2 in 1 Hand Washing Powder Lavender Sensations 1kg
KSh 480 -
Ariel Washing Powder Downy 1Kg
KSh 452 -
Tena Super Strong And Absorbent 2 Ply Kitchen Rolls White 2 Pieces
KSh 513 -
Hanan Kitchen Towel Twin Pack
KSh 436 -
KSh 337 -
Kleenex Kitchen Towels Rolls 2 Pieces
KSh 513 -
Velvex Kitchen Towel Jumbo Wht 240S
KSh 753 -
Velvex Kitchen Towel Jumbo Pink480S
KSh 753 -
Bloom Kitchen Towel 2 Pack
KSh 466 -
Tena Kitchen Towels White 1 Pack
KSh 240 -
Bloom All Purpose Towels 2 Pack
KSh 373 -
Livelle Kitchen Towel Pink Twin Pack
KSh 398 -
Velvex Printed Kitchen Towelss x 2
KSh 385 -
Velvex Eco Friendly Premium Kitchen Towel 2 Rolls White
KSh 306 -
Velvex Kitchen Towels Premium Wh X1
KSh 257 -
Velvex Kitchen Towels Premium Wh X2
KSh 398 -
Tena Premium Kitchen Towels Whitex2
KSh 513 -
Hurricane Wc Cleaner Ocean Fresh 1L
KSh 660 -
Domestos Summer Fresh Thick Multipurpose Bleach 500Ml
KSh 612 -
Domestos Citrus Fresh Toilet Cleaner 500Ml
Liara Lavender Toilet Cleaner 500ml
KSh 230 -
Steelex Nyota Pot Scourer Pack of 3
KSh 242 -
Kleenit Combo Scrubbing Sponge Pad Pack of 5
KSh 177 -
Toilet Bowl Disinfectant 10pcs
KSh 1,333 -
Toilet Stains Remover
KSh 800 -
Tilsey Tile Cleaner 1 Litre
KSh 1,066 -
Safisha Washing Liquid Lime 5L
KSh 926 -
Pixy Orange Dish Washing Gel 400g
KSh 290 -
KSh 333 -
Nuru Lemon Liquid Dish Washing 200ml
KSh 61 -
Rush Dish Washing Liquid 1L
KSh 266 -
Morning Fresh D/Wash Paste Orig800G
KSh 530 -
Velvex Dishwashing Liquid Lemon 500Ml
KSh 140 -
Morning Fresh D/Wash Paste Orig400G
KSh 333 -
Morning Fresh Zesty Lemon Dishwashing Paste 100g + 100g
KSh 117 -
Morning Fresh D/Wash Liq Antib750Ml
KSh 397 -
Morning Fresh D/Wash Liq Lemon750Ml
KSh 397 -
Morning Fresh D/Wash Paste Lemo400G
KSh 333 -
Jet Carpet Shampoo 500Ml
KSh 237 -
KSh 960 -
Astonish All Purpose Descaler 1L
KSh 1,066 -
Velvex Oven Cleaner 300Ml
KSh 380 -
Taco Oven Cleaner 500ml
KSh 400 -
Astonish Premium Clear Water Stainless Steel Cleaner 750ml
KSh 833 -
Blue Touch Oven Cleaner 592Ml
KSh 332
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