Maintaining a clean environment is essential for both homes and businesses. However, purchasing cleaning supplies regularly can become expensive and time-consuming. That’s why more homeowners and businesses are shifting towards buying cleaning supplies in bulk. From...
Buy Cleaning Supplies in Kenya: Wholesale, Commercial & Household
Kejani Cleaning offers a wide range of high-quality cleaning supplies to meet all your cleaning needs, from household cleaning essentials to industrial and commercial cleaning solutions. Whether you’re looking for bulk cleaning supplies for large-scale operations, janitorial supplies for professional cleaners, or affordable home cleaning products, we’ve got you covered. Our extensive collection includes window cleaning supplies, bathroom cleaning products, and everything in between. Shop today for top-quality supplies at unbeatable prices, with fast delivery across Kenya!
Cleaning Supplies
Showing 151–200 of 544 resultsSorted by latest
Mr. Sheen Wild Flower Multi Surface Cleaner 300ml
KSh 566 -
Mr. Sheen Lavender Vanilla Multi Surface Cleaner 300ml
KSh 566 -
Pledge Lemon Oil Multi Surface Cleaner Spray 300ml`
KSh 565 -
Mr. Sheen Spring Fresh Multi Surface Cleaner 300ml
KSh 566 -
Pledge Potpourri Multi Surface Cleaner Spray 300ml
KSh 565 -
KSh 159 -
Pledge Lavender Multi Surface Cleaner Spray 300ml
KSh 625 -
Grounded Surface Cleaner 500ml
KSh 972 -
Magnee Surface Cleaner Lavender2L
KSh 893 -
Sunlight Dish Washing paste Lemon 800g
KSh 617 -
Rush Dish Washing Liquid 500Ml
KSh 187 -
Vivia Antibacterial Cool Hand Wash 400ml
KSh 244 -
Pixy Lemon Dish Washing Gel 400g
KSh 354 -
Rush Dish Washing Liquid 5L
KSh 1,291 -
Morning Fresh Dishwashing Liquid Lemon750Ml
KSh 481 -
Vivia Apple Dishwashing Liquid 450ml
KSh 176 -
Ezee Sparkling Lemon Dishwashing Gel 800ml
KSh 390 -
Vivia Lemon Dishwashing Liquid 750ml
KSh 274 -
Velvex Dishwashing Liquid Oceanfresh 5L
KSh 974 -
Velvex Dishwashing Liquid Original 5L
KSh 974 -
Ezee Sparkling Lime Dishwashing Paste 500g
KSh 390 -
Sunlight Antibacterial Dishwashing Liquid 400ml
KSh 295 -
Axion Lemon Dishwashing Paste 200g
KSh 276 -
Sunlight Strawberry Dishwashing Liquid 750ml
KSh 469 -
Velvex Orange Dishwashing Liquid 1L
KSh 309 -
Velvex Lemon Dishwashing Liquid 1L
KSh 309 -
Safisha Dishwashing Paste Lime400G
KSh 313 -
Velvex Dishwashing Liquid Original 1L
KSh 309 -
Safisha Dishwashing Paste Lime 800G
KSh 593 -
Morning Fresh Zesty Lemon Dishwashing Paste 100g
KSh 143 -
Safisha Dishwashing Paste Lem 400G
KSh 313 -
Safisha Dishwashing Paste 800G
KSh 593 -
Teepol Dishwashing Liquid 1L
KSh 235 -
Sunlight Dishwashing Liquid Lemon 750Ml
KSh 469 -
Astonish All N 1 Dishwasher Tablets
KSh 3,167 -
Cussons Morning Fresh Lemon Dishwashing Liquid 4L
KSh 1,949 -
Finish Lemon Sparkle Dishwasher Cleaner 250ml
KSh 1,622 -
Pride Dish Washing Paste Lime 800G
KSh 644 -
Persil Liquid Gel Wash Detergent 3L
KSh 4,382 -
Magnee All Purpose Cleaner 750Ml
KSh 363 -
Rush Multipurpose Fizzy Lemon Liquid Detergent 5L
KSh 1,291 -
Rush Multipurpose Fizzy Lemon Liquid Detergent 1L
KSh 365 -
Ecover Zero Detergent Liquid 450ml
KSh 1,622 -
Ariel Lavender Detergent For Hand Washing 1Kg
KSh 760 -
Safisha Bleach Regular 2Ltr
KSh 585 -
Grounded Pure Soap Lavender
KSh 1,861 -
Safisha Washing Liquid Detergent Lime 5L
KSh 1,129 -
Teepol Multipurpose Liquid Detergent 5l
KSh 942 -
KSh 298 -
Gx Colour Safe Bleach
KSh 3,570
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