Running a business requires a clean and organized environment to ensure efficiency and create a positive image for clients and employees. Commercial cleaning supplies are essential for maintaining hygiene and safety in large-scale operations. Let’s explore the best...
Buy Cleaning Supplies in Kenya: Wholesale, Commercial & Household
Kejani Cleaning offers a wide range of high-quality cleaning supplies to meet all your cleaning needs, from household cleaning essentials to industrial and commercial cleaning solutions. Whether you’re looking for bulk cleaning supplies for large-scale operations, janitorial supplies for professional cleaners, or affordable home cleaning products, we’ve got you covered. Our extensive collection includes window cleaning supplies, bathroom cleaning products, and everything in between. Shop today for top-quality supplies at unbeatable prices, with fast delivery across Kenya!
Cleaning Supplies
Showing 451–500 of 544 resultsSorted by latest
KSh 512 -
Dettol 4 In 1 Rose Multi Purpose Cleaner 900ml
KSh 937 -
Morning Fresh D/Wash Paste Lemo800G
KSh 497 -
Grounded Surface Cleaner 500ml
KSh 650 -
KSh 350 -
Eleseom Double Strong De Greaser 1 lt
KSh 437 -
Cerrazo Cleaner Ceramic&Terrazo 1L
KSh 375 -
Velvex Liquid Multipurpose Soap5L
KSh 625 -
Magnee All Purpose Cleaner 750Ml
KSh 280 -
Magnee Kitchen Cleaner 750Ml
KSh 280 -
Downy Fabric Softener gentle 1 lt
KSh 986 -
Jamaa Laundry Bar Soap Clear 800grms
KSh 230 -
Glade Sheer Vanilla Embrace Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 500 -
Vim Multipurpose Scouring Powder Lemon Fresh 1kg
KSh 230 -
Wellnax Drain Opener Granules 40G
KSh 163 -
Mr. Clean Dr Pipe Drain Cleaner 5
KSh 368 -
KSh 220 -
Safisha In Cistern Toilet Block Lavender 50 gr x 2
KSh 246 -
Harpic Power Plus Lavender Toilet Cleaner 500 ml
KSh 748 -
Astonish Leather Conditioning Cream 250G
KSh 700 -
Blue Touch Bathroom Cleaner 592Ml
KSh 311 -
Maxell Magic Oxygen Power Bathroom Cleaner 700ml
KSh 325 -
Rosapharm Home Dry Cleaner 500 ml
KSh 312 -
Magic Chlorine Free Oxy Bleach 500g
KSh 968 -
Persil Lavender Fresh Hand Wash Powder 2kg
KSh 998 -
Topex Bleach Colours 1.5L
KSh 1,037 -
Gama Machine Laundry Liquid Original 3Ltr
KSh 2,687 -
Comfort After Wash Morning Fresh Fabric Conditioner 1L Blue
KSh 521 -
Astonish Bathroom Cleaner 750Ml
KSh 593 -
Domestos Toilet Cleaner Powder 900G
KSh 243 -
Downy Fabric Softener Feel Relaxed 880 ml
KSh 986 -
Sta Soft Spring Fresh 2L Fabric Softener
KSh 873 -
Liara Aqua Fresh Toilet Cleaner 500ml
KSh 216 -
KSh 210 -
KSh 2,237 -
Grounded Laundry Powder 450g
KSh 1,016 -
Ecoegg Fragrance Free 70 Washes Laundry Egg
KSh 3,748 -
Bidco Gental Care Blue Washing Powder 500g
KSh 156 -
Zenta Cream Bar Soap 800 gr
KSh 218 -
Sunlight Multipurpose Long Bar Soap – 700g
KSh 332 -
Rush Multipurpose Fizzy Lemon Liquid Detergent 5L
KSh 843 -
Rush Multipurpose Fizzy Lemon Liquid Detergent 1L
KSh 243 -
Pride Mult-Liquid Detergent 1L
KSh 280 -
KSh 750 -
Toss Sensitive Detergent Powder 3.5kg
KSh 1,443 -
Ushindi Detergent Tablets Yellow 175 gr
KSh 62 -
Astonish Nonbiowash Tropical Papaya & Passion Flower Detergent 840 ml
KSh 1,875 -
Toss Blue Detergent Powder 200g
KSh 112 -
Omo Sky Plus Hand Washing Detergent Powder 400g
KSh 225 -
Msafi Detergent Dazzling Bright1Kg
KSh 248
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How to Create a Cleaning Supplies Inventory for Your Business
Running a successful cleaning business requires more than just skilled labor and effective marketing. One of the key elements of ensuring smooth operations is maintaining a well-organized cleaning supplies inventory. Without an efficient system to track your cleaning...
The Benefits of Buying Cleaning Supplies in Bulk for Home and Business
Maintaining a clean environment is essential for both homes and businesses. However, purchasing cleaning supplies regularly can become expensive and time-consuming. That’s why more homeowners and businesses are shifting towards buying cleaning supplies in bulk. From...