With growing environmental awareness and health concerns, the demand for natural dishwasher detergents, eco-friendly dishwasher detergents, and non-toxic dish soaps is increasing in Kenya. These products are made using plant-based, biodegradable ingredients that...
High-Quality Dish Washing Products: Liquids, Detergents & Dishwasher Pods
Keep your dishes sparkling clean with our wide range of dish washing products. From dish soaps and dish washing liquids to dishwasher detergents, we have everything you need to achieve spotless results. Choose from efficient dish washer pods, dishwasher tablets, and even dishwasher powders for both home and commercial use. Our high-quality, effective kitchen cleaning products ensure your dishes are thoroughly cleaned every time, whether you’re using a manual or automatic dishwasher.
Dish Washing Products
Showing 1–50 of 51 results
500gram Rust Remover Kitchen Stainless Steel Cleaning Cream
KSh 1,065 -
Sunlight Dishwashing Liquid Lemon 750Ml
KSh 367 -
Pride Dish Washing Paste Lemon 800G
KSh 398 -
Morning Fresh D/Wash Paste Lemo400G
KSh 333 -
Morning Fresh D/Wash Liq Lemon750Ml
KSh 397 -
Morning Fresh D/Wash Liq Antib750Ml
KSh 397 -
Morning Fresh Zesty Lemon Dishwashing Paste 100g + 100g
KSh 117 -
Morning Fresh D/Wash Paste Orig400G
KSh 333 -
Velvex Dishwashing Liquid Lemon 500Ml
KSh 140 -
Morning Fresh D/Wash Paste Orig800G
KSh 530 -
Rush Dish Washing Liquid 1L
KSh 266 -
Nuru Lemon Liquid Dish Washing 200ml
KSh 61 -
KSh 333 -
Pixy Orange Dish Washing Gel 400g
KSh 290 -
Safisha Washing Liquid Lime 5L
KSh 926 -
Velvex dishwashing liquid lemon 5L
KSh 1,500 -
Teepol Dishwashing Liquid 1L
KSh 181 -
Teepol Dishwashing Liquid 500Ml
KSh 99 -
Finish Lemon Sparkle Dishwasher Cleaner 250ml
KSh 1,622 -
Cussons Morning Fresh Lemon Dishwashing Liquid 4L
KSh 1,949 -
Astonish All N 1 Dishwasher Tablets
KSh 3,167 -
Sunlight Dishwashing Liquid Lemon 750Ml
KSh 469 -
Teepol Dishwashing Liquid 1L
KSh 235 -
Safisha Dishwashing Paste 800G
KSh 593 -
Safisha Dishwashing Paste Lem 400G
KSh 313 -
Morning Fresh Zesty Lemon Dishwashing Paste 100g
KSh 143 -
Safisha Dishwashing Paste Lime 800G
KSh 593 -
Velvex Dishwashing Liquid Original 1L
KSh 309 -
Safisha Dishwashing Paste Lime400G
KSh 313 -
Velvex Lemon Dishwashing Liquid 1L
KSh 309 -
Velvex Orange Dishwashing Liquid 1L
KSh 309 -
Sunlight Strawberry Dishwashing Liquid 750ml
KSh 469 -
Axion Lemon Dishwashing Paste 200g
KSh 276 -
Sunlight Antibacterial Dishwashing Liquid 400ml
KSh 295 -
Ezee Sparkling Lime Dishwashing Paste 500g
KSh 390 -
Velvex Dishwashing Liquid Original 5L
KSh 974 -
Velvex Dishwashing Liquid Oceanfresh 5L
KSh 974 -
Vivia Lemon Dishwashing Liquid 750ml
KSh 274 -
Ezee Sparkling Lemon Dishwashing Gel 800ml
KSh 390 -
Vivia Apple Dishwashing Liquid 450ml
KSh 176 -
Morning Fresh Dishwashing Liquid Lemon750Ml
KSh 481 -
Rush Dish Washing Liquid 5L
KSh 1,291 -
Pixy Lemon Dish Washing Gel 400g
KSh 354 -
Vivia Antibacterial Cool Hand Wash 400ml
KSh 244 -
Rush Dish Washing Liquid 500Ml
KSh 187 -
Sunlight Dish Washing paste Lemon 800g
KSh 617 -
KSh 159 -
KSh 536 -
Grounded Dish Soap 800g
KSh 1,556 -
Duzzit Dishwasher Tablets 12 Pack
KSh 1,129
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Best Dish Soap for Your Kitchen Needs in Kenya
When it comes to keeping your dishes clean and free from grease, finding the right dish soap is essential. The Kenyan market offers a variety of options, from eco-friendly formulas to heavy-duty grease removers. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore the top...