Choosing the right detergent for cleaning tasks is crucial for achieving effective results. Detergents come in various forms and compositions, each designed for specific cleaning needs. Below, we explore the different types of detergents and how they can be used for...
Detergents: Liquid, Bulk, Powder & Heavy Duty Detergent
Kejani Cleaning offers a wide range of premium detergents for both home and commercial cleaning needs. Our collection includes eco-friendly detergents for sustainable living, liquid detergents for everyday cleaning, and heavy-duty detergents for tough jobs. Whether you’re looking for a reliable detergent supplier for bulk purchases or specialized cleaning supplies for commercial environments, Kejani Cleaning has you covered. Explore our range of cleaning detergents today and enjoy high-performance cleaning while prioritizing sustainability!
Showing 1–50 of 209 resultsSorted by latest
Pride Dish Washing Paste Lime 800G
KSh 644 -
Persil Liquid Gel Wash Detergent 3L
KSh 4,382 -
Magnee All Purpose Cleaner 750Ml
KSh 363 -
Rush Multipurpose Fizzy Lemon Liquid Detergent 5L
KSh 1,291 -
Rush Multipurpose Fizzy Lemon Liquid Detergent 1L
KSh 365 -
Ecover Zero Detergent Liquid 450ml
KSh 1,622 -
Ariel Lavender Detergent For Hand Washing 1Kg
KSh 760 -
Safisha Bleach Regular 2Ltr
KSh 585 -
Grounded Pure Soap Lavender
KSh 1,861 -
Safisha Washing Liquid Detergent Lime 5L
KSh 1,129 -
Teepol Multipurpose Liquid Detergent 5l
KSh 942 -
KSh 298 -
Gx Colour Safe Bleach
KSh 3,570 -
Toilet Sink Clog Cleaner
KSh 974 -
Extreeme Carpet Cleaner Shampoo
KSh 2,923 -
Odex Multipurpose Detergent 5L
KSh 710 -
Velvex Liquid Multipurpose Soap
KSh 725 -
: Teepol Multipurpose Liquid Detergent
KSh 725 -
Elesept Disinfectant Lavender
KSh 3,124 -
Bulk Soap Supplier
KSh 150 -
Sta Soft Tender Peach 750ml Fabric Softener
KSh 398 -
Sta Soft Aromatherapy Passion 500ml Refill Pack
KSh 597 -
Sunlight Spring Sensations Detergent Powder 400g Yellow
KSh 213 -
Sunlight 2 In 1 Yellow Auto Machine Washing Powder 1.5Kg
KSh 973 -
Persil Machine Wash Liq Gel Lav3L
KSh 3,465 -
Jik Colours Powers Out Stains Bleach 250ml
KSh 357 -
Ariel Washing Powder Downy 500G
KSh 265 -
JIK Lemon Fresh Stains Remover Bleach 750ml
KSh 572 -
Downy Luxury Perfume Vanilla And Cashmere Musk Fabric Softener 1. 84L
KSh 1,992 -
Jik Promo Colours And Regular Bleach 1.5L
KSh 2,381 -
KSh 46 -
KSh 345 -
KSh 46 -
Sta Soft Lavender 2L Fabric Softener
KSh 932 -
Sunlight 2 in 1 Hand Washing Powder Lavender Sensations 500g
KSh 260 -
JIK Regular Whitens And Brightens Stains Remover Bleach 250ml
KSh 224 -
JIK Regular Whitens And Brightens Stains Remover Bleach 1.5L
KSh 925 -
Downy Fabric Softener Valley Dew 1 lt
KSh 841 -
Ariel Detergent H/W Lavender 1Kg
KSh 452 -
Sunlight 2 in 1 Hand washing Powder Spring Sensations 1kg
KSh 480 -
Sunlight 2 in 1 Hand Washing Powder Lavender Sensations 1kg
KSh 480 -
Ariel Washing Powder Downy 1Kg
KSh 452 -
Liara Lavender Toilet Cleaner 500ml
KSh 230 -
Vivia Apple Dishwashing Liquid 450ml
KSh 118 -
Velvex Orange Dishwashing Liquid 1L
KSh 253 -
Gaea Bar Soap Value Pack 125g x 3+1 Free
KSh 268 -
Safisha Dishwashing Paste Lime400G
KSh 257 -
Velvex Disinfectant Pine 5L
KSh 760 -
Wills Antiseptic Disinfectant 500Ml
KSh 812 -
Protector Antisep.Disinfectant250Ml
KSh 400
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