Choosing the right detergent for cleaning tasks is crucial for achieving effective results. Detergents come in various forms and compositions, each designed for specific cleaning needs. Below, we explore the different types of detergents and how they can be used for...
Detergents: Liquid, Bulk, Powder & Heavy Duty Detergent
Kejani Cleaning offers a wide range of premium detergents for both home and commercial cleaning needs. Our collection includes eco-friendly detergents for sustainable living, liquid detergents for everyday cleaning, and heavy-duty detergents for tough jobs. Whether you’re looking for a reliable detergent supplier for bulk purchases or specialized cleaning supplies for commercial environments, Kejani Cleaning has you covered. Explore our range of cleaning detergents today and enjoy high-performance cleaning while prioritizing sustainability!
Showing 1–50 of 247 resultsSorted by latest
Flamingo Rose Anti-bacterial Hand Wash 400ml
KSh 290 -
Tropikal Anti Bacterial Lemon Hand Wash 500ml
KSh 290 -
Yenbu Child Care Paraben Free Hand-wash 400ml
KSh 355 -
Rosy Handwash Yellow Lemon Fresh 5L
KSh 986 -
Flamingo Antibacterial Handwash Ocean Fresh 400Ml
KSh 290 -
Vivia Silky Touch Creamy Hand Wash Refill 1L
KSh 469 -
Vivia Berry Burst Creamy Hand Wash Refill 1L
KSh 557 -
Blue King Liquid Soap Lavender500Ml
KSh 351 -
Moss & Adams Snowdown Lily Hand Wash 500ml
KSh 966 -
Vivia Garnet Aura Creamy Hand Wash Refill 1L
KSh 464 -
Vivia Blossom Tuft Creamy Hand Wash Refill 1L
KSh 464 -
Vivia Fantastic Ocean Creamy Hand Wash Refill 1L
KSh 464 -
Vivia Herbal Crush Creamy Hand Wash Refill 1L
KSh 464 -
Vivia Kids Fun Creamy Hand Wash Refill 1L
KSh 469 -
Flamingo Coconut Milk Anti-bacterial Hand Wash 400ml
KSh 290 -
Brio Truly Natural Anti Bacterial Hand Wash 500ml
KSh 232 -
Tropikal Anti Bacterial Doppy Caramel Hand Wash 500ml
KSh 290 -
Dettol Liquid Handwash Skincare 400Ml
KSh 1,216 -
Dettol Liquid Handwash Original 400Ml
KSh 1,216 -
Brio Truly Natural Anti Bacterial Hand Wash 500ml
KSh 232 -
Alison’S Hand Wash Aloe Vera 600Ml
KSh 406 -
Dettol Liquid Handwash Fresh 200Ml
KSh 728 -
Brio Pure Confidence Anti Bacterial Hand Wash 500ml
KSh 232 -
Carex Advanced Care Shea Butter Antibacterial Hand Wash 250ml
KSh 394 -
Dettol Fresh Liquid Handwash 400Ml
KSh 1,216 -
Moss & Adams Antibacterial Melrose Grove Hand Wash 500ml
KSh 928 -
Dettol Liquid Handwash Sensitive400Ml
KSh 1,216 -
Fields Of Africa Choco Bliss Antibacterial Hand Wash Creme 500ml
KSh 348 -
Moss & Adams Antibacterial Yorkshire Dale Hand Wash 500ml
KSh 357 -
Dettol Liquid Handwash 2X200Ml
KSh 1,096 -
Fields Of Africa Ocean Breeze Antibacterial Hand Wash Creme 500ml
KSh 348 -
Safisha Hand washing Liquid soap Aloe vera 400Ml
KSh 219 -
Fields Of Africa Soft Petals Antibacterial Hand Wash Creme 500ml
KSh 357 -
Fields Of Africa Tropic Bloom Antibacterial Hand Wash Creme 500ml
KSh 357 -
Safisha Hand washing Liquid Soap Strawberry 400Ml
KSh 219 -
Safisha Washing Liquid Lemon 1L
KSh 255 -
Cleanox Car Wash 500Ml
KSh 248 -
Jet Carpet Shampoo 500Ml
KSh 289 -
Pride Dish Washing Paste Lime 800G
KSh 644 -
Persil Liquid Gel Wash Detergent 3L
KSh 4,382 -
Magnee All Purpose Cleaner 750Ml
KSh 363 -
Rush Multipurpose Fizzy Lemon Liquid Detergent 5L
KSh 1,291 -
Rush Multipurpose Fizzy Lemon Liquid Detergent 1L
KSh 365 -
Ecover Zero Detergent Liquid 450ml
KSh 1,622 -
Ariel Lavender Detergent For Hand Washing 1Kg
KSh 760 -
Safisha Bleach Regular 2Ltr
KSh 585 -
Grounded Pure Soap Lavender
KSh 1,861 -
Safisha Washing Liquid Detergent Lime 5L
KSh 1,129 -
Teepol Multipurpose Liquid Detergent 5l
KSh 942 -
KSh 298
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