When it comes to finding a reliable and efficient washing machine in Kenya, you have a variety of excellent brands to choose from. Whether you’re upgrading your home appliance or purchasing for the first time, understanding the strengths of each brand is essential....
Air Quality
Browse Air Quality Products
Portable Air Purifier
KSh 2,132 -
Airwick Magnolia And Cherry Blossom Air Freshener Gel 70g
KSh 200 -
Senso Home Reed Diffuser Water Blossom Air Freshener Sticks 50ml
KSh 1,243 -
Airwick F.M Citrus Refill 250Ml
KSh 898 -
Airwick Magnolia And Cherry Blossom Air Freshener Gel 70g
KSh 306 -
Natural Scents Garden Air Freshener 300ml
KSh 287 -
Climax Airfreshn Block Berries 50G
KSh 93 -
Airwick F.M Rose Refill 250Ml
KSh 898 -
Senso Home Reed Diffuser Water Blossom Air Freshener Sticks 50ml
KSh 1,243 -
Armaf Violet Air Freshener 300Ml
KSh 512 -
Brait Magic Mist Ocean Breeze 425G
KSh 743 -
KSh 1,243 -
Grounded Air Freshening Spray 500ml
KSh 1,041 -
Hanan Solution Disinfectant Scented Coloured Toilet Balls 200g
KSh 208 -
KSh 231 -
Dettol All In One Orchard Blossom Disinfectant Spray 400ml
KSh 1,153 -
Air Freshener Refreshing Perfumes
KSh 573 -
*50ml Bathroom Air Freshener*
KSh 1,466 -
Fridge Freshener
KSh 2,265 -
Velvex Wc Balls X5
KSh 200 -
Blue Bubble Wc Balls Colour 200G
KSh 238 -
Sanicare Pacific Breeze Fragrance Hygienic Cistern Toilet Block 50g x Pack of 2
KSh 261 -
Airwick Freshmatic Aquamarine Refill 250Ml
KSh 1,125 -
Glade Sheer Vanilla Embrace Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 500
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Best Way to Bleach White Clothes
Bleaching white clothes is an effective way to restore their brightness and remove stubborn stains. However, the process requires proper handling to prevent fabric damage and ensure safe results. Below is a detailed guide on the best way to bleach white clothes,...
Understanding Garment Care Symbols
When it comes to garment care, the symbols on clothing tags provide essential instructions to help you maintain your clothes in optimal condition. These laundry care symbols are universal, and following them ensures your clothes last longer, stay in good shape, and...