Key Features and Benefits Premium Marble Design: Made from durable, elegant marble, the Teepee B11 Toilet Brush Set brings a refined aesthetic to any bathroom, elevating the space with its timeless appeal. Efficient Cleaning Performance: The brush features sturdy...
Air Quality
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Portable Air Purifier
KSh 2,132 -
Airwick Magnolia And Cherry Blossom Air Freshener Gel 70g
KSh 200 -
Senso Home Reed Diffuser Water Blossom Air Freshener Sticks 50ml
KSh 1,243 -
Airwick F.M Citrus Refill 250Ml
KSh 898 -
Airwick Magnolia And Cherry Blossom Air Freshener Gel 70g
KSh 306 -
Natural Scents Garden Air Freshener 300ml
KSh 287 -
Climax Airfreshn Block Berries 50G
KSh 93 -
Airwick F.M Rose Refill 250Ml
KSh 898 -
Senso Home Reed Diffuser Water Blossom Air Freshener Sticks 50ml
KSh 1,243 -
Armaf Violet Air Freshener 300Ml
KSh 512 -
Brait Magic Mist Ocean Breeze 425G
KSh 743 -
KSh 1,243 -
Grounded Air Freshening Spray 500ml
KSh 1,041 -
Hanan Solution Disinfectant Scented Coloured Toilet Balls 200g
KSh 208 -
KSh 231 -
Dettol All In One Orchard Blossom Disinfectant Spray 400ml
KSh 1,153 -
Air Freshener Refreshing Perfumes
KSh 573 -
*50ml Bathroom Air Freshener*
KSh 1,466 -
Fridge Freshener
KSh 2,265 -
Velvex Wc Balls X5
KSh 200 -
Blue Bubble Wc Balls Colour 200G
KSh 238 -
Sanicare Pacific Breeze Fragrance Hygienic Cistern Toilet Block 50g x Pack of 2
KSh 261 -
Airwick Freshmatic Aquamarine Refill 250Ml
KSh 1,125 -
Glade Sheer Vanilla Embrace Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 500 -
Blue Bubble Ocean Fresh Toilet Block 50g x 2 Pieces
KSh 317 -
Glade Auto Hold 3In1 Vanilla 269Ml
KSh 2,088 -
Glade Vanilla And Lavender Automatic Spray Refill 269ml
KSh 1,276 -
Glade Automatic Spray Holder With Elegant Amber And Oud Refill 269ml
KSh 2,088 -
Glade Lavender Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 650 -
Glade Blooming Peony and Cherry Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 650 -
Glade Sheer Vanilla Embrace Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 650 -
Glade Elegant Amber And Oud Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 650 -
Glade Local Air Freshener Clinen 460Ml
KSh 747 -
Glade Local Air Freshener Lavender 460Ml
KSh 747 -
Grounded Air Freshening Spray 500ml
KSh 1,346 -
Velvex Air Freshener La&Camomile300Ml
KSh 495 -
Glade Local Air Freshener Rose 460Ml
KSh 747 -
Velvex Air Freshener After Rain300Ml
KSh 495 -
Velvex Citrus Air Freshener 300ml
KSh 495 -
KSh 1,856 -
Velvex Air Freshener Apple &Cinn 300Ml
KSh 495 -
Fresh Day Air Freshener Pinapple 360Ml
KSh 447 -
Armaf Spring Air Freshener 300Ml
KSh 934 -
Velvex Air Freshener Jas &Cotton300Ml
KSh 495 -
Armaf Beauty Air Freshener 300Ml
KSh 934 -
Tropikal Sherehe Sweet Vanilla Dry Air Freshener 300ml
KSh 650 -
Armaf Vintage Air Freshener 300Ml
KSh 934 -
Tango Lilac Room Freshener 300ml
KSh 412 -
Fresh Day Air Freshener Lemon 360Ml
KSh 447 -
Glade Morning Freshness Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 650
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Best Washing Machines in Kenya
When it comes to household or commercial appliances, the washing machine is one of the most indispensable. The convenience of owning a reliable washing machine cannot be overstated—it saves time, reduces manual labor, and ensures clothes are thoroughly cleaned....
Detailed Guide to Colored Bins in Hospitals in Kenya
Efficient waste segregation in hospitals is a cornerstone of public health and safety. In Kenya, like in other parts of the world, healthcare facilities adhere to color-coded systems for managing medical waste. This ensures that different types of waste are handled,...