When it comes to commercial cleaning, having the right tools is essential to delivering top-notch results and ensuring efficiency. Professional cleaners face a variety of challenges, from handling large floor areas to reaching high windows. To tackle these challenges...
Air Quality
Browse Air Quality Products
Portable Air Purifier
KSh 2,132 -
Airwick Magnolia And Cherry Blossom Air Freshener Gel 70g
KSh 200 -
Senso Home Reed Diffuser Water Blossom Air Freshener Sticks 50ml
KSh 1,243 -
Airwick F.M Citrus Refill 250Ml
KSh 898 -
Airwick Magnolia And Cherry Blossom Air Freshener Gel 70g
KSh 306 -
Natural Scents Garden Air Freshener 300ml
KSh 287 -
Climax Airfreshn Block Berries 50G
KSh 93 -
Airwick F.M Rose Refill 250Ml
KSh 898 -
Senso Home Reed Diffuser Water Blossom Air Freshener Sticks 50ml
KSh 1,243 -
Armaf Violet Air Freshener 300Ml
KSh 512 -
Brait Magic Mist Ocean Breeze 425G
KSh 743 -
KSh 1,243 -
Grounded Air Freshening Spray 500ml
KSh 1,041 -
Hanan Solution Disinfectant Scented Coloured Toilet Balls 200g
KSh 208 -
KSh 231 -
Dettol All In One Orchard Blossom Disinfectant Spray 400ml
KSh 1,153 -
Air Freshener Refreshing Perfumes
KSh 573 -
*50ml Bathroom Air Freshener*
KSh 1,466 -
Fridge Freshener
KSh 2,265 -
Velvex Wc Balls X5
KSh 200 -
Blue Bubble Wc Balls Colour 200G
KSh 238 -
Sanicare Pacific Breeze Fragrance Hygienic Cistern Toilet Block 50g x Pack of 2
KSh 261 -
Airwick Freshmatic Aquamarine Refill 250Ml
KSh 1,125 -
Glade Sheer Vanilla Embrace Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 500 -
Blue Bubble Ocean Fresh Toilet Block 50g x 2 Pieces
KSh 317 -
Glade Auto Hold 3In1 Vanilla 269Ml
KSh 2,088 -
Glade Vanilla And Lavender Automatic Spray Refill 269ml
KSh 1,276 -
Glade Automatic Spray Holder With Elegant Amber And Oud Refill 269ml
KSh 2,088 -
Glade Lavender Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 650 -
Glade Blooming Peony and Cherry Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 650 -
Glade Sheer Vanilla Embrace Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 650 -
Glade Elegant Amber And Oud Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 650 -
Glade Local Air Freshener Clinen 460Ml
KSh 747 -
Glade Local Air Freshener Lavender 460Ml
KSh 747 -
Grounded Air Freshening Spray 500ml
KSh 1,346 -
Velvex Air Freshener La&Camomile300Ml
KSh 495 -
Glade Local Air Freshener Rose 460Ml
KSh 747 -
Velvex Air Freshener After Rain300Ml
KSh 495 -
Velvex Citrus Air Freshener 300ml
KSh 495 -
KSh 1,856 -
Velvex Air Freshener Apple &Cinn 300Ml
KSh 495 -
Fresh Day Air Freshener Pinapple 360Ml
KSh 447 -
Armaf Spring Air Freshener 300Ml
KSh 934 -
Velvex Air Freshener Jas &Cotton300Ml
KSh 495 -
Armaf Beauty Air Freshener 300Ml
KSh 934 -
Tropikal Sherehe Sweet Vanilla Dry Air Freshener 300ml
KSh 650 -
Armaf Vintage Air Freshener 300Ml
KSh 934 -
Tango Lilac Room Freshener 300ml
KSh 412 -
Fresh Day Air Freshener Lemon 360Ml
KSh 447 -
Glade Morning Freshness Air Freshener Spray 300ml
KSh 650
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Mr. Sheen Lemon Multi Surface Cleaner 300ml
Key Features and Benefits Multi-Surface Cleaning: Effectively cleans a variety of surfaces, including wood, glass, metal, and plastic, making it a versatile choice for every room. Fresh Lemon Scent: Enjoy a burst of fresh, invigorating lemon fragrance as you clean,...
Best Laundry Products for Kenyan Homes
Laundry is more than just a chore; it’s about preserving the quality and lifespan of clothes while maintaining hygiene and freshness. Selecting the right laundry products can make a significant difference, especially in Kenyan households, where diverse fabrics,...