
Call us: (+254) 0115 887 085

623B, 6th Floor, Stanbank House, Moi Avenue, Nairobi.

623B, StanBank Hse, Moi Avenue
(+254) 0115 887 085


Partner With Us

Kejani Cleaning Company is looking for strategic partnerships with interested parties, especially angel venture investors or other equity-based investors through private placement.


We estimate the cleaning industry in kenya is about ksh 200 billion annualy. Cleaning is not a want but a need. From professional cleaning services to cleaning products the market is huge and growing fast.



Our ServicesOur Story

Invest In Our Cleaning Company

Kejani Cleaning Welcomes interested parties to invest in our growing cleaning business. As highlighted above the cleaning market in Kenya is huge. Every Organization and household requires cleaning services, cleaners, and or cleaning supplies.

From Governments to large & small corporations, schools, churches, Airports, Offices, Factories,Homes, Hotels, Hospitals etc.

Most of the cleaning industry in Kenya however is informal and highly unorganized. Kejani Cleaning Company sees this as a huge opportunity to capture a large market share in a growing needs market with huge potential returns.

We intend to do this by organizing our profitable business model into a set of step-by-step processes or checklists into a simple and easy-to-follow system that can allow us to scale infinitely by leveraging systems, internet marketing, and new technologies such as generative AI.

The company is led by an ambitious, young spirited team and is looking for an investor with the same spirit. The management in consultation with our hardworking team, has set the ambitious goal to be the first cleaning company to list on the NSE . The cleaning industry is as old as civilization itself , when royalties in the past had servants to clean after them. The industry is still going to be around for as long as humans exist.

The combination of these factors makes buying shares in our fast growing business a great investment. if you are intrested in helping us achieve these goals send us an email to 

What We Do

We help businesses and homes keep a clean and tidy environment. Cleaningnes is next to Godliness.  a clean environment is vital to the productivity and satisfaction of your staff, customers and visitors.

We are passionate about what we do and are committed to offering only the best cleaning service you’ve ever experienced.


Trusted & Experienced

Trusted By Thousands of Clients and with over 5 years experience

Reliable & Commited

Commitment and Reliability are our core values.

No Contracts

We offer One time, Periodical, or ongoing cleaning services for both residential and commercial clients. It’s up to you.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you aren’t happy within 24 hours call us back and well be more than happy to fix it

Send a Message

Contact Information

We are always happy to hear from you

Call: (+254) 110 085 763
5th Floor, Eden Square, Westlands, Nairobi.

Meetings are Strictly by Appointment Only, Call/Email to book your appointment.

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